Sunday, December 2, 2007


i've finally admitted to myself that i live here now--not just based here, but actually l-i-v-e here. i realize the acceptance when i started fixing up my bedroom into a more fitting abode for someone supposedly in the interior design profession.

it wasn't a conscious decision to accept my situation. i was just feeling the itch. i had to do a makeover. now. and while i was doing so, i realized okay, taga-rito na nga uli ako.

first step, actually putting clothes in the closet. yesterday, i finally decided to store the luggage i used when i came back. no more dumping my clothes on the dresser or putting it atop the luggage. for three months, i did this. hehe, hiya ako.

i threw the closet doors wide open, took stock, threw out clothes smelling of mildew (eeew, i know), and put the stuff i brought back with me in.

then i slowly went around putting my personal stamp on the place. i officially own my bedroom again.

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